Geographic aspect of politics
Guarantors: PhDr. David Šanc, Ph.D.
V rámci předmětu Geografické aspekty politiky (KAP/GEO) se posluchači seznámí se základními tématy, která stojí v centru pozornosti politické geografie, tedy vědecké disciplíny, jež zkoumá vztah mezi prostorem a mocí. Teoretická část předmětu (klasifikace území států, hranic apod.) je doprovázena analýzou značného počtu konkrétních příkladů z historie i současnosti, aby posluchači získali obraz o výrazné pestrosti a komplikovanosti politicko-geografické praxe.
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Course annotation
The goal is to introduce students to political geography as a subdiscipline of political science and international relations. In addition, students will learn about relation between geographical sphere and politics within the state territory (central vs. regional political systems, regionalism , separatism etc.) as well as in the international environment ( geopolitics of the global powers and regional powers, international regional cooperation , international regional conflicts, etc. ). Students will gain an overview of formation of political-geographical structure of the world regions based on the study of processes that have shaped the current and former states and the major factors affecting the internal and foreign policy of the state - such as international conflicts, border disputes, separatism, ethnic and religious conflicts, migration. The aim of the seminars is to analyze politics (internal and external) of major non-European countries, which have a distinctive influence on the contemporary multipolar world (China, India, Brazil, etc.). |
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