Teaching Practice
Guarantors: Doc. Mgr. Michaela Pešková, Ph.D.
Milí studenti,
pedagogická praxe zaujímá ve vzdělávání učitelů nezastupitelné místo. Je
nejtěžší, ale zároveň i nejradostnější a často i nejpřínosnější součástí
studia. Přeji Vám, ať si z ní odnesete co nejvíce pozitivních podnětů a ať
Vás motivuje k pedagogické práci. Na "cestu" mi dovolte jeden citát:
"Poznávání je někdy přirovnáváno ke hledání světa v temtotách. Role
učitele v tomto procesu je žáka vést, naznačovat mu správnou cestu,
případně upozorňovat na úskalí a špatné směry. Kantor jej nemůže popadnout
a donést ke kýženému světlu, jež nemůže ani přinést a postavit mu je až
"pod nos". Žák k němu musí dojít sám."
Pavel Drábek: Učení může i bolet. Reflex 5/2008, s. 20.
Last updated:
Information about course
Brief information |
Teaching Practice
Teaching |
Summer semester
Seminar 10 [Hours/Semester]
Completion |
Pre-Exam Credit,
2 credits,
Course has neither
recommended (for your information)
Course annotation
The aim of the Class observation is to acquaint students with the process of the real teaching of the Russian language at elementary schools and with a school environment in general. Class observations also lead students to the aware reflection of the educational process and the application of knowledge and basic skills acquired in theoretical subjects.
Before the Class observations the information session with the teacher is held, where students receive basic instructions about the practice, its focus, the way of keeping written documentation. The proceedings of the practice are reflected in four ways: 1) the individual completing of the observation form, 2) the analysis of lessons with the teacher from the practice, with reference to the issue of preparation of a teacher for teaching and school agenda, 3) the immediate analysis of lessons with the teacher of the methodology, 4) the final group analysis of all class observations at the particular methodology class (Russian Methodology 1) and the discussion with the teacher about the possibilities of using the acquired knowledge in other studies. In a structured form to Class observations, students specify the nature of the visited class, define lesson objectives, including educational ones, write down its stage and organization, evaluate the effectiveness of individual activities, teaching methods and forms of work, observe the use of teaching materials and teaching resources in teaching and reflect the personality of a teacher and pupil in teaching, the relationship teacher - student and classroom climate. The aim of the observations is also the preparation for the next two tips of the pedagogical practice.
The attended classes during the observation will be confronted with examples of virtual observations.
Pedagogická praxe ZŠ
Pedagogical practice
Student requirements
Mentored and reflected own teaching of 10 lessons of Russian at elementary school. Submitting the form "Record of teaching practice" and written preparations for each lesson with linguistic and didactic analysis, records of self-evaluation and pedagogical self-reflection. The record of teaching practice to the portfolio of a future teacher of a foreign language. The active participation in the analysis of the lessons with the teacher and the observing teacher of the methodology. Requirements for obtaining credit are also recommendations of the head teacher of the practice.
Course annotation
The aim of the pedagogical practice is to introduce students to the real teaching of the Russian language at elementary schools, develop their teaching skills, direct them towards the application of knowledge and skills acquired in theoretical educational, psychological and didactic subjects and within the Class observations. Students can verify the practical functioning of the methods and procedures that have tried during microteaching in a real teaching environment with age-appropriate group of students. They are comprehensively acquainted with the practical operation of the school and its agenda.
Students take part in the practice for about 2 weeks, and they will teach 10 lessons. The practice is carried out under the supervision and multiply reflected (via individually completed documents, in the consultation with the head teacher of the practice, in an analysis with the observing subject didactic and in the group discussion at the seminar Russian Methodology 2). It is recommended to observe a lesson taught by the head teacher of the practice as well as the lessons of classmates (selectively). A part of the preparation for teaching practice is virtual class observations.
The supreme aim of the course is to motivate students to a career as a teacher. |
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