Ponořte se do světa barev a tvarů! Vyzkoušejte si malířskou práci s různými technikami a nepřeberným množstvím zobrazovaných motivů nebo si s barvou jen hrajte a sledujte účinky jejího působení....
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The aim of the course is to inform students about contemporary possibilities of visual expression that allow unusual aesthetic experience with time and space. Based on the art stimulus of the second half of the 20th century and art of the 21st century students practically verify various means of expression that can be applied in visual culture art education with preschool children. They combine theoretical knowledge from different areas of visual and social culture. Students seek out and present works of contemporary visual culture, and consider the trends of contemporary art (action art, performance, happening, installation art, land-art, video art) as a source of inspiration for creative tasks in kindergarten.