The UWB Graduates Club aims to provide information, educational, cultural and social services to students who successfully completed a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral study programme at the University of West Bohemia. The purpose of the Club is to maintain contact between graduates and the university and create new opportunities for cooperation.
What does UWB offer to its graduates?
- The opportunity to participate in social, cultural and educational events
- Excursions to selected UWB workplaces (especially to research centres)
- Scientific, research, or educational cooperation with UWB
- A platform which enables the establishment of professional collaboration between graduates
- The possibility of participating in Lifelong Learning study programmes
- The option of contacting former classmates
- Membership in the University library
- The latest information about University life sent in a newsletter.
How can I become a member of the Graduates Club?
To become a member of the Club, you have to get registered. You can create an account if you are a graduate of:
- one of the Faculties of the University of West Bohemia (UWB)
- the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (VŠSE)
- the Faculty of Education